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Transforming Your College Studying: Beat Procrastination and Stay Productive

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College studying is simple, but not so simple. Simple because it’s an easy task to read and take notes, not simple because it’s time consuming and there’s so much information we need to grasp. We dread the fact that we need to study and study and study for the information to stick, and it’s one of the biggest reasons why we tend to procrastinate.

To transform our college studying, we need to conquer procrastination and all the reasons why we procrastinate! We need to adopt productive habits and discipline ourselves to achieve our academic goals.

In this article, we’ll explore actionable strategies to help you overcome procrastination, boost your productivity, and not dread study sessions (too much).


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definitions & insights

what is procrastination

What is Procrastination?

Procrastination is the act of delaying tasks or activities despite knowing that they need to be done. It often involves choosing immediate pleasure or distraction over completing important tasks, resulting in decreased productivity and increased stress.

What is Productivity

What is Productivity?

Productivity is the measure of how efficiently you use your time and resources to achieve your goals. It involves focusing on tasks that contribute to your objectives and making the most of your available time.

Why We Tend to Procrastinate

Why Do We Tend to Procrastinate?

Procrastination can occur due to various factors, including fear of failure, lack of motivation, poor time management skills, and the desire for instant gratification. It’s a natural response to tasks that seem overwhelming or uncomfortable.

importance of beating procrastination

Why is it Important to Beat Procrastination for Our College Studies?

Beating procrastination is crucial for successful college studies because it directly impacts your academic performance and overall well-being. Overcoming procrastination leads to better time management, increased focus, reduced stress, and improved grades. It can also contribute to a healthier mindset and aid in achieving your life goals.

13 College Studying Tips to Beat Procrastination and Stay Productive

college studying tip #1

Understand the Procrastination Trap

Procrastination often stems from a desire for instant gratification. For instance, watching TV, productive procrastination (cleaning, revising, cooking etc). 

It is important to recognize the impulse to delay tasks, identify the root cause and produce an action plan to overcome it. This is the first step towards overcoming procrastination.

college studying tip #2

Break Tasks into Manageable Chunks

Large tasks can be overwhelming and contribute to procrastination. Dividing your study material into smaller, more manageable chunks will make studying feel less dreadful and can increase your sense of accomplishment.

It is important to not overestimate yourself by creating a long list of tasks to complete. Truth be told, what we already know, overestimating yourself will result in a good chunk from that list getting moved to the next day, then the next day. This also can lead to feeling overwhelmed, and unaccomplished, eventually leading to procrastination.

So, avoid that by breaking tasks into manageable chunks across a reasonable length of hours or days.

college studying tip #3

Create a Productive Study Environment

They say a cluttered, noisy space is a cluttered, noisy mind. With that said, your surroundings play a crucial role in your focus and concentration.

Create a space in your room, living room, or office where you can study with no distractions and clutter. Some people like to study in coffee shops or outdoors, whichever you prefer, ensure your environment is optimal for boosting your motivation and productivity.

I personally like to create a space in my room or living room. I always make sure I have my timer, planner, notepad, some pens and color pencils (I don’t like highlighters lol) next to me.

Having a space that smells clean is also incredibly crucial, it is almost impossible to concentrate in an environment that is not pleasing to all senses.

All of this keeps me and can keep you focused, attentive, and motivated to check things off the to-do list. I hope these items that have helped me, can do the same for you!

if you are more of a planner person, this is for you! love legend planner for goal setting & for staying on track.
Aesthetically Pleasing To-Do List for Your Days/Weeks
to make your study area more organized 🙂
Colored Pencils are a Go-To for color coding notes.
My personal favorite! Don’t need to sharpen them and they don’t seep through your notebook.

college studying tip #4

Set Clear Goals and Deadlines

A goal that is not written down is just a dream. Do not let your tasks sit in your mind, write them down and set a deadline to make it a real goal to complete!

Establishing specific goals for each study session will help you stay on track and minimize procrastination.

Having your goals written down will stress its importance and emphasize the need to complete it. Have your goals in view, on a white board or in something that you will not easily toss aside.

Set a reasonable, realistic, deadline for yourself to avoid procrastination.

college studying tip #5

Prioritize and Use a To-Do List

Create a to-do list with tasks ranked by priority. This simple tool can keep you organized and motivated, making it easier to overcome procrastination and stay productive.

It is important to not overwhelm yourself with a long to-do list, so be sure to refer to your class syllabi and plan ahead. Refer back to advice #2.

college studying tip #6

Implement the Two-Minute Rule

If a task takes less than two minutes to complete, tackle it immediately! One less thing to worry about. This rule prevents small tasks from piling up and becoming overwhelming, reducing the urge to procrastinate.

college studying tip #7

Utilize Positive Reinforcement

Who doesn’t like rewards? It is good to experience the fruit of your labor and reward yourself for completing your tasks and achieving milestones. 

These rewards serve as powerful motivators to overcome procrastination and maintain your productivity levels!

Some great examples of rewards are: a night out with friends, watching a few episodes of your favorite TV show, going to the beach, spending a bit of time on social media, etc.

college studying tip #8

Embrace the "Do It Now" Mentality

When faced with a task, especially a simple one, adopt a “do it now” mindset. Do not give yourself time to ponder over it, and stress about it.

Prevent the task from lingering on your to-do list to reduce the likelihood of procrastination. I’m sure there’s been countless instances where you could have completed an assignment the day you got it, but waited until the very last minute, causing you to stress out and regret not doing it the day of. I can relate.

Let’s do our best to prevent future instances by practicing a “Do It Now” mentality together!

how to remember what you study Effective Methods, how to remember what you study tips, how to remember what you study, studying techniques, studying methods, how to work smart not harder

how to remember what you study!

These are simple and effective study methods to help you succeed in your college studying. It is not about memorization or passiveness, it is about comprehension, engagement and building good study habits.

college studying tip #9

Visualize Your Success

Imagine the feeling of accomplishment when you successfully complete your tasks. Visualizing the end result can boost your motivation, help you overcome procrastination and avoid unnecessary stress.

With each assignment you complete, each class you pass, you are that much closer to graduating and being where you want to be!

Pay less attention to instant gratification and more to the longer lasting feelings of relief and success.

college studying tip #10

Minimize Digital Distractions

We all know that our phones, TV’s, iPads, Kindles etc can be major sources of procrastination. Instead of using them as a distraction, use them as a reward.

It is important to keep yourself in check to prevent procrastinating on your life goals! Use apps or website blockers to limit access to distracting websites and social media during your study sessions.

college studying tip #11

Know the Difference Between Rest and Procrastination

As crucial as studying and completing your tasks are, resting is equally as important. Understand your tolerance and take breaks before you reach information overload.

Resting allows you to reset and prevent burnouts. It increases overall productivity and minimizes procrastination.

A general guideline is to aim for around 1-2 hours of focused and productive studying per session, followed by a 30-minute break. If you feel that is too long, you can still reach the optimal study time of 30 minutes to an hour, followed by a 10-20 minute break.

Remember, it all depends on your tolerance and how long you feel the most energized. Be realistic, be reasonable in scheduling your time blocks.

Your goal is, yes, to complete your tasks, but also to prevent burnouts to ensure long term success.

college studying tip #12

3 Steps to Stop Procrastinating

Acknowledge and Identify: Recognize when you’re procrastinating and identify the tasks you’re avoiding.

Break Tasks Down: Divide tasks into smaller steps to make them more manageable and less intimidating. Know when your deadlines are and plan out your schedule ahead of time.

Start Right Away: Commit to working on a task for just a few minutes. Often, getting started is the hardest part.

college studying tip #13

College Studying Habits to Have to Continue Beating Procrastination

Consistent Routine: Stick to a regular study routine to build discipline and habit.

Time Management: Plan your study sessions in advance and allocate a reasonable amount of time for each task.

Focused Environment: Create a distraction-free study space to boost your focus.

Goal Setting: Set clear goals for each study session to stay motivated and on track.

Accountability: Share your goals with a friend or use accountability tools to stay committed. Displaying your goals in sight will also keep yourself accountable in achieving them.

This Concludes Transforming Your College Studying: Beat Procrastination and Stay Productive!

Beating procrastination requires training your mindset, it requires genuine effort, patience, discipline, and building good habits. It may seem difficult but keep persevering.

 Procrastination is a common challenge, but with the right strategies, you can transform your college studying experience. 

By understanding the causes of procrastination, adopting effective time management techniques, and creating an organized study environment, you’ll beat procrastination and achieve greater productivity.

Consistency and determination are key to transforming your college studying habits and achieving academic excellence! You got this! We got this!

love, Jas Joy

To transform our college studying, we need to conquer procrastination and all the reasons why we procrastinate! We need to adopt productive habits and discipline ourselves to achieve our academic goals.
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